myMath – Exam Prep

myMath will be launched in the US maket in spring 2018. The first parts to be revealed is Exam Prep for Common Core – Eureka, EngageNY.
MyMath Exam Prep will give the user a complete new way to prepare for exams.


See an example of how e-learning looks in myMath

See demo

Common Core 7.grade

Exam Prep  is a new way to to revice for math examn.

This demo is from 7.grade tests from 2017. The test consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 – Mutiple Choice

Part 3 – Extended-Response

Common Core 8.grade

Her you can review an example from the 2017 test for 8.grade, part 2.

Part 2 – Multiple Choice

Part 3 – Extended response


Our goal is to provide full training for examn for Common Core spring 2018.