exam boosternorsk matte i USA

You may have seen the news about exam booster on our website, Facebook page, twitter or received a newsletter about our product, but what is exam booster and how much does it cost?


For free

We at The WOOHOO Company are very proud to offer, perhaps, the best and most efficient web-app to practice math exams on the market. And it is for free. You read right, it is now for free through 2019, and with that you have the opportunity to practice for free for the exam for almost a year. You might ask yourself the question, «what makes exam booster so good?». There are several reasons that the system great.


7 reasons why exam booster is great

  1. You can practice exams wherever, whenever and on whatever device you want, as long as you have internet access.
  2. We have exams from 2017 and 2018, for 6th through 8th grade.
  3. Exam booster is based on Common Core.
  4. All exams are fully explained. With this feature you have the opportunity to answer all the questions and get instant answers on whether it is right or wrong, and if it is wrong you will be given a complete solution proposal. An amazing way to practice for the exam.
  5. Test yourself. With this feature you can take full exams without any feedback, and when you are finish you will get a score and full overview of what you know.
  6. Basic theory. With this feature you have a full overview of the theory you need, explained. It is all based on illustration and text – not videos!
  7. We have implemented Kahoot’s to support Exam Booster. This adds great dynamics to learning, both class rom and in small groups.


There you have 7 good reasons to try out exam booster. This is a unique and efficient way to prepare yourself for this years exam.